
Showing posts from March, 2024

Carson James: Lunging Gone Wrong

The words, "Unable to listen and follow directions," and "Unteachable" come to mind. They do exist. I've seen them in real life. This is why I have zero aspirations to become a trainer. Not just 'no.' Hell no. The sarge in me would have an extremely difficult time holding back. I'm working on being more like a Buck Brannaman, Carson James, and Warwick Schiller. I'm not there yet.


 We have been watching Carson James' 'Problem Solving' videos because it seems to work for Jeff. I recommend investing in his training. 

Need a Wider Customer Base?

We are not affiliated with this group. We are sharing their services in the event anyone needs help growing their business.  

Plagiarism and Horses: Give Credit Where Credit Is Due

"What's the big deal? We do it all the time at work."  Plagiarism is a big deal. I'm not always on the spot with ethical choices either. However, I do make a conscious effort to do the right thing. What is unacceptable are the folks claiming, with self-righteous indignance, that they are in the right to do whatever they want to do while looking down their noses at others calling them 'criminals' for seeking a better life. It is unconscionable to demand this party or that group are immoral while blatantly acting unethical with the property and hard work of others. Plagiarism is theft. Period. This may be a tough lesson with consequences for the thief. It is a necessary result for poor behavior.

Get Curious and Learn


The Spectators Criticizing Trainers Would Do Well To Be Perfect

Before Jumping on the bandwagon to criticize equine trainers, it may be a good idea to get into the arena to do the same groundwork and see what it's like. Does that feel uncomfortable? Maybe it would be a better choice to get curious before running with the stories we're telling ourselves because of the abusive experiences we have had. Horsemanship is one of the top deadliest sports and there's much more to it than just sitting on the back of a horse like a lump on a log. Is there a lot of abusive methods people use? Yes. At the same time, it is important to get curious first before judging something we wouldn't get into the arena to test our criticisms with something different. Is it scary? Of course. It's always good to have a level of fear with horses because complacency and overconfidence bias is how people get hurt. It's why I choose to wear a helmet. What others do is not my concern. I'm not making any claims or have any aspirations of being a trainer...